Samurai Experience

Programme details

Programme details
  1. Wearing Kendo protective armours
  2. Lectures about Kendo
  3. Brief practice of using Shinai and instructions of basic footwork, and Kendo rule
  4. Striking practice in pairs
  5. Match (Combat game)
  6. Taking photographs with Kendo protective armours and free Japanese hand towel will be provided

Programme Fees

  • Adults (18 and over): ¥19,800 (tax included)
  • Children (6-17 years old): ¥16,500 (tax included)

To guarantee a smooth and enjoyable experience for all participants, we kindly request prepayment to ensure all necessary equipment and venue reservations are secured in advance.

Feel free to take photos anytime, anywhere.
We welcome visitors from around the world.

Meet our CEO

Meet our CEO

Toshihiko Funabiki
Toshihiko started Kendo when he was just 5 years old. Toshihiko went to high school and university specifically known for their strong Kendo programmes, honing his skills and knowledge under renowned instructors.

  • He made it to the Top 16 of the All-Japan Students' Kendo Tournament.
  • He secured second place at the West Japan Students’ Kendo Tournament.
  • He consistently reached the semifinals of the Kansai Student Kendo Tournament for six years.
  • He won first place in the Osaka High School Kendo Tournament.